Dues: Dues are $40 per household or business for one-year (January 1- December 31st). Dues received on or after September 1, will be applied to the next membership year.
See membership page for more options.
The Salem Hardy Plant Society was founded in Salem, Oregon and organized in 1997 to:
Promote the culture of hardy plants by providing public information and education
Promote the collection and dissemination of source information about hardy plants and their availability
Foster informal gatherings of the membership including meetings of the garden club and garden visits
Support community gardening horticulture projects
Cooperate with and complement the activities of other horticultural organizations in the Pacific Northwest
Monthly Meetings
Our garden club meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Dye House at the Mission Mill - 1313 Mill St SE Salem OR except for June-August which are potlucks at member gardens and September, in which we have our plant sale. Our membership spans a wide range of backgrounds and knowledge, with professional nurseries and 'backyard' gardeners both represented and we typically have an attendance of between 60 and 90 members and their guests. Regular features of each meeting include a speaker, raffles, announcements and edible treats – and when available, the opportunity to buy featured plants from either our speaker or one of our many member nurseries.
The Salem Hardy Plant Society program includes (at no additional fee beyond your annual membership) speakers/presentations related to hardy plants and/or gardening in general from October through May. We take advantage of the later lighting in June, July and August to move our monthly get-togethers outside for informal potlucks. In September we are focused on preparing to host our annual Plant Sale.
Open Gardens
The Salem Hardy Plant Society has a monthly members-only program (typically March through September, weather permitting) where our members invite their fellow members to visit their personal gardens to see what they’ve created ‘in their space’ as well as what hardy plant treasures they’ve found and nurtured – (and they may actually be persuaded to share where they found it!). This program often features stops at our member nursery display gardens as well. In order to encourage best attendance, members who want to open their gardens are asked to contact the Open Gardens chair before the newsletter deadline, listed in every issue.
Weed, weed, weed
Tie up errant clematis
Stroll - take time to see, smell, and appreciate your garden
Turn the compost
Fertilize deck pots
Sow a tray of seeds
Harvest fresh vegetables or fruits from the garden
Dispatch slugs
Look for stink bugs and other critters
Water plants missed by irrigation system
Eat tomatoes - you did plant them didn't you?
Pick more weeds
Water, water, water
Hoe weeds out of one bed
Find and sharpen your hoe first
Spread Sluggo
Check under pots and rocks for slugs
Winter prune shrubs / perennials
Make notes and jot down ideas for future plans
Re-pot one plant
Walk the garden
Pick off yellowed or unsightly leaves
Fill the bird feeders
Feed the pond fish with time to enjoy them
Fill the bird bath
Make a batch of hummingbird food
Look for mole mounds
Meditate on the patio or deck
Sharpen your shovel
One of the most enjoyable and inspiring elements of belonging to SHPS is the open gardens. You can experience first-hand the trials, triumphs and wonderful serendipitous events that transpire in the garden. Because the gardener is opening up a personal space and sharing it with members, we need to be aware of some common sense courtesies. Please do not take cuttings, seeds, plants or cut flowers without the permission of the owner. Stay on the paths and, if wondering about the name of a plant, please ask and do not wander into the beds. (A great way to find out the name of a plant is to take a photo with your smart phone. When the garden host is located, you can easily ask the name of that particular plant.) Please keep children under your watchful eye. Something else to consider: although your pet may behave perfectly well, the pets of the garden host/hostess may react to your pet and cause a disturbance, so maybe leave your pet at home. Finally, don't forget to express your gratitude to your fellow gardener who has shared their little piece of heaven with you. Leonard Foltz
Come to one of our monthly meetings at Mission Mill in the Dye House, 1313 Mill ST SE, Salem OR 97301
PO Box 12204, Salem OR 97309-0204
on the first Tuesday of each month, October through March at 7:00pm. April and May are field trips and June-July (August has no meeting) are potlucks at member gardens. September we have our plant sale.
Your support and contributions will enable us to fund our speakers for the year and provide scholarships to students in horticulture programs in our area.